SANSURE has officially entered Moldova market
07th June 2016

Our exclusive partner Imunotehnomed has been more then 20 years active on the territory of Moldova and has good relationship with private and public laboratories. They also own the largest private laboratory MedExpert, which used to be a customer of Abbott and AmpliSense. After they evaluated our fastHBV and proHCV kit, they decided to shift to our PCR solution first in their own laboratory. When they get more and more familiar with our products by actual daily use, they gained confidence to marketing Sansure on a larger scale. Correspondingly, in order to support them, we arranged the visit to Chisinau from 22th-28th, February. 

In this training seminar, they invited 6 laboratories, one of them is the largest public diagnostic center in Moldova. You might refer to the following pictures. This training seminar has deepened these laboratories' interest into theoretical knowledge and practical usage.

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